Today I’m passionate about…
The sun! As I sit here with three layers on top, leggings underneath my sweats, and wool socks, I can honestly say I love the sun. Last night we had a couple inches of snow, about the fourth snow fall we’ve had this year. I’m sure people in other parts of the country are laughing and are thinking “get over it!” And, don’t get me wrong it is beautiful, and I’m always so torn when the snow falls. I get annoyed because it’s cold and wet and I have to try to figure out how to get around in it. But it also makes me feel like a little kid again, and part of me still wants to go out and play in it and I secretly pray for a snow day. However, for the most part it is quite the inconvenience. I would much rather be hanging out outside soaking up the warm sun rays. It is only February but I just cannot wait for scorching hot mid July days. I believe in the whole vitamin D craze too, I love me some vitamin D! The sunshine makes me so much happier! Even when it is freezing cold, I’d rather it’d be cold and sunny, then kind of warm and rainy. So, summer hurry up and get here…or I might just have to move! What’s your favorite weather? Why?