Sunday, January 30, 2011


Today I’m passionate about…

Coffee!  So, I’ve worked in the coffee industry for about four years now and I never knew how much I would grow to love it.  There is so much more to coffee than most would think.  Yes, I am passionate about coffee because the caffeine keeps me going and it is delicious, but I’m passionate about it for so many more reasons as well.  Coffee is actually very complex and a lot goes into the process of delivering a really great, high quality coffee.  Factors include; where the coffee beans originated from, how the coffee plants were grown (shade grown, high altitude, soil richness, etc), the roasting process, and many more.  I love doing coffee tastings with my coworkers or better yet customers.  People don’t realize how much coffee varies; try this coffee with a brownie and you’ll notice how it brings out the cocoa in the coffee, or compare it to this other coffee and you’ll notice the difference in acidity.  Also, there are so many different ways to drink coffee.  From espresso beverages, to brewed coffee, to a french press, turkish brew method…I think there is a huge coffee culture out there and it just keeps growing and expanding and it is very exciting!  Are you passionate about coffee?  How do you take it—cream and sugar? 

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