Saturday, March 5, 2011


Today I’m passionate about…

Sleep!  As someone that is very, very sleep deprived at the moment all I can say is I love to sleep.  The school quarter is winding down and that means so is the number of sleeping hours.  I think five hours was my max this week. L  Between huge group projects, studying, and the fact that I usually work at 5 am sleep has become a rare thing these days.  In fact, I’m so tired I can barely think about what to write for this.  Maybe I’ll go take a nap..oh time.  Anyways, I know everyone cherishes their sleep.  So why do you?  How many hours do you function best on?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

GOOD customer service!

Today I’m passionate about…

GOOD customer service! Ok, this is going to be my first rant blog.  Seriously, bad customer service is by far one of my biggest pet peeves!  As someone who has worked in customer service my entire working life I cannot comprehend how some people do not get the concept of good customer service.  And trust me, I know some customers are ridiculous, out of line, or straight up crazy, but not everyone is and treating people poorly does not result in long term customers!!  For some reason I have noticed this profoundly over the last couple of days.  The last few times I’ve been to the mall, I’ve gotten horrible service.  First of all, you should know your product.  If you can’t persuade me to buy it, then I won’t! And if I can tell you information about your product that is pretty widely known and you don’t know it--bad!!  Also, just because someone returns a product does not mean they won’t be back to try other things.  So treating them like they’re a criminal for returning something just loses any potential sale.  And lastly when someone needs a dressing room, rolling your eyes because you have to stop what you’re doing to unlock a door is completely out of line.  Sorry, this is kind of an obnoxious blog, but really people, if you don’t like customer service, work in another sector!  And kudos to those companies who have perfected the art of good customer service--we all know who they are :) Have you had a bad customer service experience? What happened?  What would you suggest to that person?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Sun!

Today I’m passionate about…

The sun!  As I sit here with three layers on top, leggings underneath my sweats, and wool socks, I can honestly say I love the sun.  Last night we had a couple inches of snow, about the fourth snow fall we’ve had this year.  I’m sure people in other parts of the country are laughing and are thinking “get over it!”  And, don’t get me wrong it is beautiful, and I’m always so torn when the snow falls.  I get annoyed because it’s cold and wet and I have to try to figure out how to get around in it.  But it also makes me feel like a little kid again, and part of me still wants to go out and play in it and I secretly pray for a snow day.  However, for the most part it is quite the inconvenience.  I would much rather be hanging out outside soaking up the warm sun rays.  It is only February but I just cannot wait for scorching hot mid July days.  I believe in the whole vitamin D craze too, I love me some vitamin D!  The sunshine makes me so much happier!  Even when it is freezing cold, I’d rather it’d be cold and sunny, then kind of warm and rainy.  So, summer hurry up and get here…or I might just have to move!  What’s your favorite weather? Why?

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Today I’m passionate about…

Optimism!  Glass half full or half empty?  I believe looking on the bright side of things is key to a healthy mental state.  I don’t believe in that saying “I’m not a pessimist, I’m just a realist.”  I think you can be a realistic person while still being optimistic.  Sometimes I wonder if you think negatively if negative things happen.  The concept of the self fulfilling prophecy seems very accurate for optimism.  Believe everything will turn out all right, and somehow it does.  I don’t think there is much more to say about optimism, except I hope when things are getting you done you are able to look at the bright side of things, because it really helps in the long run.  Do you consider yourself an optimist?  What do you do to try to stay positive?           

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Today I’m passionate about…

Confidence!  Being confident can be very difficult.  However, I think everyone should try to be confident.  Being sure of who you are and having faith in yourself is very powerful.  I have a friend who came over the other night and we were all getting ready to go out.  And all she kept saying was things like “you guys look so cute, I don’t look cute!...Does this shirt look okay?...Does my hair look good?”  And she’s a beautiful girl!  It gets exhausting having to constantly reassure someone of themselves.  Obviously we all have those moments where you’re just feeling down about yourself (whether it’s about appearence or something else) and you need a little encouraging from someone else. Yet, having those thoughts consistently is not good for anyone!  Confidence is one of those qualities that if a person exudes it other people are naturally drawn to them.  As long as it’s confidence, not cockiness. J  Why do you think confidence is important? What gives you confidence? 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Trying new things!

Today I’m passionate about…

Trying new things!  I think trying new things is so essential to a fulfilled life.  Why go through life scared to try something new?  The other day my friend was showing me his long board, I was like well..I want to try.  And I absolutely sucked at it (I don’t think I have very good balance) but it was so much fun.  And now I can say ya I tried long boarding.  I can’t stand when you ask someone to try something new and they are like “no I don’t like that,” and you ask “why?” and all they say is “I don’t know..I just don’t.”  You do not know if you don’t like something until you try it!  I just can’t walk through life scared of unfamiliar things; otherwise I’d be so stinkin’ bored.  I haven’t always thought this way, I was pretty sheltered when I was younger, but now I realize the importance of creating memorable experiences.  I want to have some crazy stories to tell my grandchildren!  It’s like that show on MTV, the Buried Life, have you ever seen this?  A couple of guys driving around the country in a big bus, crossing off things on their “bucket list.”  How amazing right?  The tagline?—“What do you want to do before you die?  I would love to do something like that!  So bring on the long boards, the pigs feet, jumping out of airplanes, etc.  Cause I wanna do it all!!  What’s something you’ve always wanted to experience?  What’s holding you back?

Friday, February 11, 2011


Today I’m passionate about…

Perfume!  Ok, I know, weird thing to be passionate about.  But I am!  I’ve loved perfume since the second I was allowed to wear it.  My friends and family always make fun of me because I have a drawer full of perfume and about fifty little tester bottles of fragrance.  I don’t know exactly why I am so passionate about it either, I like smelling nice and I appreciate other people that do as well.  But I also like that every perfume is so different and even two perfumes that have a lot of the same fragrances are still unique.  Honestly, it would be a dream of mine to work in a perfumery or at least get to see one.  I know there has to be an intense, complicated process that goes into creating a perfume and I wish I could learn it hands on.  Oh, and perfume ads, the best! Except when they don’t have the smell tab, then they just annoy me because I’m wondering what it smells like!  Anyways, do you like perfume?  What’s your favorite?  Why?


Monday, February 7, 2011


Today I’m passionate about…

Dancing!  You know you like to dance when…on Monday your thighs are still so sore from your weekend.  Dancing is hands down, best form of exercise!  All I can feel when I dance is endorphins, it is literally impossible to not be happy.  There should be a therapy program “dance away your sorrows,” if you could just get up and dance for a half hour a day there’s just no way you would be an unhappy person!  And don’t get me wrong, I am not talking about formal dancing; I don’t know a real dance step to save my life!  I’m talking about hands in the air, hips everywhere, jumping up and down, going crazy kind of dancing!  People always get so nervous to dance too, like everyone is watching them.  Which, to be honest, would have been me about a year ago.  But what I’ve come to realize, and what everyone should realize, is, when you are dancing and having fun nobody cares what you look like!  I think people are naturally drawn to others that are happy and having a good time, and so, if that is what you’re doin’ on the dance floor then more power to ya!  I challenge everyone to dance this week, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, anything! Just get up and do it!  In your living room, hallway, bathroom, the club, whatever, just daannncccceeeee!  And if you need inspiration…

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Today I’m passionate about…

College!  As much as school drives me nuts sometimes, I’m very passionate about learning and expanding opportunities through an education.  Yes, after an all nighter and ten hours of homework I often ask myself “what are you doing here?!”  However, when I am actually learning about a subject that interests me and I feel is going to help me in my professional life, then school is exciting.  In this day, when a masters degree is what a bachelor degree use to be I think a formal education is extremely important.  No one in my family has had the opportunity to go to a University and I feel blessed for the chance to get a degree.

Apart from the education part I think the social aspect of college is huge as well.  I’ve never met so many people from such a variety of backgrounds.  I love it!  In high school, for the most part, people stick with their own group, but in college you get to expand your social circle by including so many different kinds of characters.  Networking is also huge in college.  Who knows, the people I meet today may help me get a job at that company I love five years down the road.  Being open to meeting people can be beneficial in so many ways.

Overall, there are so many reasons why I’m passionate about school.  I think everyone should get some kind of higher education; it only makes you a stronger person.  I wish everyone was given the opportunity to get a higher education…maybe someday!  Are you passionate about school?  What’s your goal in school?   

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Today I’m passionate about…

Coffee!  So, I’ve worked in the coffee industry for about four years now and I never knew how much I would grow to love it.  There is so much more to coffee than most would think.  Yes, I am passionate about coffee because the caffeine keeps me going and it is delicious, but I’m passionate about it for so many more reasons as well.  Coffee is actually very complex and a lot goes into the process of delivering a really great, high quality coffee.  Factors include; where the coffee beans originated from, how the coffee plants were grown (shade grown, high altitude, soil richness, etc), the roasting process, and many more.  I love doing coffee tastings with my coworkers or better yet customers.  People don’t realize how much coffee varies; try this coffee with a brownie and you’ll notice how it brings out the cocoa in the coffee, or compare it to this other coffee and you’ll notice the difference in acidity.  Also, there are so many different ways to drink coffee.  From espresso beverages, to brewed coffee, to a french press, turkish brew method…I think there is a huge coffee culture out there and it just keeps growing and expanding and it is very exciting!  Are you passionate about coffee?  How do you take it—cream and sugar? 

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Today I’m passionate about…

My friends!  Ok ok, so, I’m sure everyone would say they are passionate about their friends, but I am!  I don’t know where I would be or what I would do without my amazing group of friends.  Life would be so incredibly boring and sad without ‘em!  I love spending countless hours talking about everything under the sun with someone else who just gets you.  Who has great advice and isn’t scared to tell you the truth.  I love those moments when your stomach hurts so much because you cannot stop laughing, but you can’t even remember why you started laughing in the first place. 
When I look back on the hard times in my life there are those few, special people that have always been there for me.  I always think of the theme song from Friends, the lyrics ring so true! J “I’ll be there for you, like you’ve been there before, I’ll be there for you when the rain starts to pour…” Anyways, you all know what I’m talking about; everyone has those people in their lives that often times feel closer than family. “A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.” (uknown).
So here’s those people, life wouldn’t be the same without them! Who are your closest friends? Why are you so passionate about them? 

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Today I’m passionate about…

Musicals! As I’m writing this I am getting ready to watch Mama Mia!  Sometimes there is just nothing more fun than watching a movie where I get to sing along with Meryl Streep.  Growing up I was always a ‘musical’ child.  Kind of--I mean I am in no means a good singer and I’ve never played an instrument, but I love to sing. My mom always makes fun of me because I know all the jingles to commercials and always sing along when they come on.  And so I grew up absolutely loving musical movies! Grease is by far my favorite, I think people are annoyed to watch it with me because I can and do sing every line to every song!  I think I’m so passionate about musicals because there is so much passion in the movies, actors and actresses putting so much more emotion into the movie through music.  It seems like something silly to be passionate about, but I am! Some day I will go to New York and see a real musical!  But for now Mama Mia and Grease on the small screen will have to do!  Do you like musicals? Which one(s)?    

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Today I’m passionate about…

Travelling!  I absolutely love getting to see new and exciting places.  Growing up we could not afford to travel, so as I’m getting older all I want to do is witness beautiful places and meet amazing people from all over the world.  I was able to experience my first out of the country experience last December.  For my twentieth birthday a couple girlfriends and I went to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  It was fabulous—the beaches, the city, the sun, the food, and mainly the people.  Everyone we met in Mexico was extremely friendly and welcoming.  As well, it was so refreshing to see how other people live and how the culture is so different.  Yet—you can also see the similarities and how others have influenced our own culture (how many Mexican restaurants are in your neighborhood?) and how we’ve influenced theirs (hey, that song sounds familiar).  Anyway this trip to Mexico really got me excited to travel and see more places!

So to feed my need to travel, this summer my roommate and I are planning a trip to Bali, Indonesia.( check it out, ) We’ve had a couple people tell us it is an amazing place to see and the people are remarkably nice.  We figure we should travel now while we can still take time off of work and before we have other responsibilities that will make it difficult to leave for weeks at a time.  My mom tells me this all the time, do these things now while we’re young, don’t let opportunities to experience new things pass you up.  And that is one of the many reasons I’m so passionate about travelling, it’s always an adventure and you can’t do anything but learn from the opportunities that arise because of it.  Are you passionate about travelling?  Where have you been? Where are you going?      

Monday, January 17, 2011

Musical Artist

Today I’m passionate about…

Those musical artists that put a knot in your stomach and make your heart swell.  Do you know what I’m saying?  That song comes on and you literally get butterflies in your stomach and curl your toes because this person just gets it.  It’s the melody, the lyrics, the instruments, the voice.  It’s a package deal and not too many artists have it.  For me there there’s one man who really sticks out—John Mayer.  I’ve been listening to John Mayer since his first single—“I wanna scream at the top of my lungs/I just found out there's no such thing as the real world/Just a lie you got to rise above.”  I tell ya, hooked every since.  His music comes on and I’m mush.  It makes me smile, sometimes it makes me sad, always makes me want to sing at the top of my lungs.  He just does it so right.  Last year I was lucky and was able to see him in concert, watching him perform live you can tell what he is passionate about.  And maybe that’s why his music is so great because when someone is that passionate about something it radiates to the audience and others can feel it too.  What musical artist are you passionate about?

Monday, January 10, 2011

First blog ever!

Hello blog world!  This is my first experience writing a blog, pretty exciting and a little nerve wrecking!  I never thought I would write a blog, I've always thought they were fun (mhmmm mhmmm), interesting and a great outlet for many people, but never pictured myself blogging!  However, last week in my social marketing class the professor told us she wanted everyone to create a blog and write twice a week around a passion of ours.  My first thought?—Oh crap.  I have such a hard time answering that question--"what are you passionate about?".  It's like trying to decide what you're going to do with the rest of your life--really? I have to dedicate myself to one thing? Darn. I honestly don’t have one passion.  I’ve never committed myself to a sport, a hobby, pastime, etc.  I don’t want it to seem like I’m some boring person without any enthusiasm or dedication.  I care a lot about, have interests in, and am very passionate about a wide variety of things.  So, here is a blog from a multipassionate person (yes I just made up that word).  I’ll write about something I’m feeling passionate about that day or week—whether it be something silly or something serious these are all things I have “intense emotion or strong feeling” ( about.  Who knows, maybe in the process I’ll find one thing I’m particularly passionate about…here’s to hoping J